Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Queen Mother

The Queen Mother.
The very words inspire
images of a
benevolent monarchy,
maternal majesty and
a loving dedication
to her people.

For many people
around the world
The Queen Mother
is best remembered
for how, during the
darkest nights of
the Blitz, she
courageously stayed
on in Buckingham Palace .

braving repeated onslaughts
by Hitler's dreaded
Luftwaffe ... providing
a steadfast beacon of
courage for her people
during their finest hour.

Over the years,
she has shed daylight
on the sometimes
daunting mystique of
the Royal Family.

Dubbed "instant sunshine"
by a friend, her gentle
and perceptive wit and
her generous spirit have
endeared her to a nation.

So much so, in fact,
one commonwealth country
requested she pay them
a visit simply
"because she is so nice."

To celebrate the
Queen Mother's
90th Birthday, in 1990,
Great Britain issued this
historic set of four postage
stamps and a
£5 Commemorative Coin
as an elegant and altogether
fitting tribute to the warm-hearted
Queen Mother who has
spent her life in selfless
and devoted service
to her Island people.

Happy Stamping.


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