Monday, May 22, 2006


What's up with that the
above cover I fix up
and sent it out in the
mail wanting to get the
post marks on it for a
couple of reason one I
wanted to get a date on it
that way it would show what
year that my nice finished
school, and then I just wanted
to see where it got it canceled
mailing it back to my self.

the only way that I know that
if has been through the mail
system is that it now IT has
those little bar codes that get
on a letter as it does go through
the mail system.

I sure you are wounding about
the Big Show well this week
the big stamp show will open
in Washington, DC
The US is releasing stamps
for the show as well as a lot
of other countries do you
know of a issue that will
be released for the show.

I will show the one's that I
know about later this week
in other post so be sure to
be on the look out for them.

Now let's have a bit
of stamp fun.

The Caribbean island of Nevis
once issued a postage stamp
depicting Christopher Columbus
peering over the side of
his ship with a telescope.
While Columbus sailed to the
Americas in 1492--and made
three other voyages up until 1503.

The telescope
wasn't invented until ????.
Be the frist person that
can tell me the year will
get a FDC.

Happy Stamping.


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