Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Removal Of A Postal Icon

You know nothing say's small town America.
Like those Big blue community mailboxes
that you can Find in so many town's and
City's on the corner now they are going away
and with them go a lot of postal history
being from Indianapolis the mailboxes could
be found on all most on every street corner in town.

As a kid I can remember mailing away
box top's for some kind of little toy or some
thing and going to the Mailbox and waiting on
the mail Carrier to come because I was not big
enough to reach to lid to drop the mail in.
some times they would be a grown up passing by and
Would help me out by dropping it in for me.
I can remember one time mailing away M &M candy
wrappers to get those little 45 records and for what
ever reason I stayed right there to make sure that
the mail carrier got it, I use to think that mail could
get stuck in the box or maybe ever lost in there.

reports that in central Pennsylvania,
mailboxes that receive fewer than 50 pieces
of mail per day could be targeted for removal,
according to the U.S. Postal Service in
Harrisburg.The Postal Service is surveying
public mailboxes nationwide for possible
removal as a cost-cutting measure.

The volume of mail has fallen 20
percent in recent years and some boxes
collect more trash than mail,
postal officials say.
To read the entire article, click here.

I don't know when the USPS started to use the
community mailboxes but in towns across America
they have all was been there not in less you live
in a rural area like I do now and the only place to
find them here is out side of the Post Office's.

Happy Stamping.


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