Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Stamp Collecting Software

Hello all I have been wanting to do this post for
a couple of day now, Every sense Friday Feb the 3rd
because that is the night that I decided
to uninstall some of the stamp software
that I had downloaded from the Net
some of them was freeware & some was
try and buy and the try & buy
software was only demo's so there was not
a lot of help with them and then the Freeware
was just not any thing like I though it would be.

I had a few on the computer trying out,
so them being nothing like I though they would be
I decided to uninstall them from my computer
and restarted the computer after I had done
the uninstall to get rid of any files
that may be left over from the uninstall.

And when the computer re-booted up
I could have died the computer was only
showing two colors and the monitor was set
to 640 by 480 pixels and I could not change
it back. So I worked about five hours
to restore my computer's display.

I may not know much but this Crazy
Mountain Man can tell you one thing.
When it comes to Stamp Collecting Software
try and find out all you can about it
and try to read any user's review of it.
And give your self a little bit of time
to find out what is out there in stamp software
and you will find just the right software for you.
With all the Bell's & Whistles and just
the net's tricks you could dream of.

I look at it this way all any body want's
to do is get a nice organized record
of there stamps collect, may be telling you
just what it is worth or stamps by topic.
If a basic record is all you are after,
something like a list of the stamps Scott number's
in order then Excel or MSWorks, Microsoft Office
they will do a nice database.

I am looking at buying stamp software
the same way I did when I got my
Genealogy software I used a lot of
freeware & demo versions be for
I decided to but out the big buck to buy
my copy of Genealogy software & buy
the updates every other year and every other
year buy a new full version that way,
one year I get the update database's
then the next year I get the new version
of the software with all the new Bell's & whistles
If you are wounding what software that
I use it would be Family Tree Maker
giving my time to our Genealogical Society
in my area to trans. scrip old court house records
from the 1800"
It & a Microsoft database I could not live with out.

I have found a book that I think would be
a good on to get and read about stamp software
the book is from Linn's, you might want to
get a copy of Linn's Guide
to Stamp Collecting Software
($14.95) (AA Price .99)
by William F. Sharpe.
Sharpe is a Linn's columnist who writes
about computers and stamps and stamps on
the Internet.In the book, Sharpe explores the
two primary areas where collectors use
computers: creating stamp inventories and
producing exhibition pages. In separate
chapters on hardware, CD-ROMS, sorting,
databases and album-page creation,
Sharpe gives practical information.
He also devotes a special chapter to the Internet
and stamp-collecting sites on the World Wide Web.
To order or find out more, click here.

All so guy's you might like to have a look at


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